Note: Maelstrom and this Documentation are currently in alpha. Found a bug? Fill a ticket here

What Maelstrom can do

Render static templates incredibly fast:

    p This is a static template
    span{color="green"} with different elements

var tmpl = Maelstrom.compile(templateString);

Render templates with variables:

h1 [[$title]]
h3 [[$subtitle]]
p content with variables: [[$content.val]]
    | and even
    span{color="[[$content.color]]"}  variables in styles

var obj = {
    "title": "My Awesome Template",
    "subtitle": "Rendered with Maelstrom",
    "content": {
        "val": "and variables of nested objects",
        "input": "and variables in element attributes",
        "color": "blue"
var tmpl = Maelstrom.compile(templateString);

Render templates with live update subscribtion:

    div{width="[[$animated]]", height="20px", background-color="red"}
p state: [[$animated]]

var obj = {
    "animated": "1%"
var tmpl = Maelstrom.compile(templateString);
//subscribe to the object

//updating object
setInterval(function() {
    obj.animated = ((parseInt(obj.animated,10)+1)%101)+"%";

API Documentation

Maelstrom.compile(templateString[, subscribtionObject]) Parameters: Returns: compiled template object

template.render(object) Parameters: Returns: this

template.subscribe(object) Parameters: Returns: this

template.unsubscribe() Function to unsubscribe the current subscribtion object, stops live updating.
Parameters: none
Returns: this

template.append(element) Parameters: Returns: this

template.remove(element) Parameters: Returns: this

Template Documentation

The template syntax is inspired by Jade. Currently it does not support any logical operations.
Variables can be included with [[$variableName]]. Aditionally to the Jade-features you can add style attributes in {...}-Brackets after an element declaration.

More information about templates is coming soon.